EPP--The distraction is real...
In my quilting life, this seemed like a pretty important milestone. I just completed my first Patchwork of the Cross block! My husband saw it setting on the table and asked, "So how many more?" Only 29 to go!
When I told him that, my brain flashed forward to the stitching journey ahead. Every quilt project captures phases of my life.
I think of the socks I knitted that were so connected to memories of my son's swimming and soccer days, or the hexies I basted during road/camping trips. This chapter of EPP will definitely be attached to quite a few running competition memories as my kid heads into his high school cross country adventure.
I have a metal pencil box that has been functioning as my on-the-go EPP work station.
The challenge is in actually finishing an EPP project! I have been pretty distracted by all the potential projects and have been dabbling with one little design at a time. The only one I am close to finishing is from the Kingfisher quilt-along. The quilt top is ready for layering. That is on the agenda next week since my schedule has been pretty full this week with a professional development class.
Since basting my very first hexie for that quilt, I have been absolutely hooked on the EPP experience. I find it so fascinating that we quilters have the potential to create full quilts with just needle and thread, no sewing machine required.
But, as I mentioned, I've been a bit distracted. Lots of works in progress. Prepare yourself for the montage of EPP UFOs in my life...
This little sucker was the beginning. First hexie I ever basted. It took nearly 45 minutes with Youtube how-to videos interspersed in the process.
This one started with just a couple of Christmas hexies. But, I was doing a lot of basketball scorekeeping at the high school, and I had a bit of time on my hands between games.
The obsession is real...
Still lured by the Christmas fabrics, I built a stash of green hexies.
A mini project actually completed! I sent this to my mother-in-law for a wee Christmas gift. I have a larger version started but no picture.
Not sure where this one is going. A table runner, perhaps? Christmas in June!
My Alison Glass fabrics insisted on joining the hexie party. This started with a vision of a bag. But suddenly it was four feet wide and now about three feet long, so I suspect it is heading in the direction of a baby quilt.
Love the colors. This one was developing fifteen minutes at a time during lunch this school year. My kids are used to seeing me pull out the sewing kit for some random stitching.
I couldn't resist trying out one of the blocks from Tales of Cloth. She has some pretty cool EPP patterns on her site. Since I made this one, I have been keeping an eye on bunny fabric. Another potential baby quilt?
This fabric is so fun.
I actually basted three times this amount. Then I stalled.
I considered different formats. This one was appealing at first.
So I spent a full afternoon cutting and basting diamonds.
But this floral fabric was nearby and distracted me.
So then I thought maybe this instead?
Which led me to consider all big block hexies...
And, honestly, I was so indecisive that they all got shelved.
Especially since spring was approaching and I had some cute pastel fabric calling my name. So the mini hexie journey began, with my furry friend supporting me along the way.
We went out for Chinese food. My husband looked away and I pulled out my sewing kit. He just shook his head.
Cute blocks, but I wasn't sure where I was heading.
So they are patiently awaiting some future inspiration.
And then, of course, I was hit by the Patchwork of the Cross block fascination.
I love the way I can pull out a project any place, any time. This was while waiting for my friend to join me for a hike.
I have a full bag of basted pieces for this POTC journey. We will see where it takes me!
The bonus is that these crafty distractions are, every single one of them, time well spent.
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