Little Miss Sawtooth--Part Two

The Little Miss Sawtooth journey no particular order.
The further I progressed into the blocks, the more challenging the fabric combo choices became.
I think Miss Isla had me the most flummoxed.  She was definitely the most frustrating!

Pretty florals,

Love the pretty pink roses, but the turquoise and blues...another no.

Setting on the table in the afternoon sun, this one showed some promise...

but once I stitched it up, it just seemed so...blah.

Then the Amy Butler fabric gave me the "Pssst!" from the shelf while I was perusing star point colors, and...a star is born!  Love Miss Isla!

Miss Olivia came together rather quickly without too much indecision.  She started with the blue star points on the flying geese, and I decided to pull a bit of the chartreuse Moda print back in for a pop of color.

Miss Aliyah went through some transformative stages as well.   Florals, florals, which florals to choose for that center bouquet?

I love that moment when the just right prints gravitate towards one another.  A perfect combo for the center florals.  Once I figured those out, I realized the star points needed a bit of adjustment.  I also needed to balance the star point colors for the blocks, and a bit more pink seemed warranted.

Seriously, this quilt-along was such a joy.  Just a joy.  Time for creative pondering and a super positive community to cheerlead on Instagram along the way.  


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