Happy Fabric Flower Garden

I was caught up in a flurry of half-square triangle piecing this weekend...it was a lovely way to spend the time, and I am almost sad to be finishing this quilt top. It all started with a charm pack of floral fabrics. I played around with a few different block ideas and decided on the half square triangles. I cut fabric squares at 5 1/2", paired them up right sides together, sewing 1/4" on either side of a diagonal line. I love the bright colors. I dabbled with different color combinations for a bit, then I eventually took over the entire kitchen table. My husband is a patient man =). Squaring up those half-square triangles is a laborious process, but there is also something soothing about it. I love watching the flannel "quilt wall" fill up. The fabric combinations begin to take on a unique personality. I was in a happy mood working on this one! Speaking of Happy, she was my furry friend through the e...