Days in Isolation...I've lost count...

This was me at the beginning of spring break....blissfully turning my thoughts away from teaching and grading and towards a plethora of British murder mysteries on Amazon Prime and mindless basting of over 500 Christmas hexies. Part way through that lovely break, the outside world was poking in on us. Word came down that our district was going to initiate school closure to flatten the curve of the virus. So the craft joy went away and our two-teacher family turned our focus on revising our fourth quarter units for online instruction. Stressful, but do-able once I located on-line sources for The Crucible and The Lord of the Flies that my students could access. Our family has decided to take this Colorado order to self-isolate and stay at home super seriously. I didn't need much prompting since I have such an unpleasant memory of contracting the Noro-virus that hit our school district in November, forcing an early Thanksgiving closure of all the s...