Searching for that Silver Lining

2020...a year I've been working hard to find the blessings in this crazy year. I've managed a whole lot of positives through crafty endeavors and family time, and, thank God, none of us or our family has been infected by Covid 19. Our greatest loss was this fellow. Nine years ago, a parent from the school where my husband and I were teaching convinced him that he was the right person to adopt this puppy, coming from an abusive situation. I said NO, no, no! Until I met the little guy. To be honest, it felt like a bit of bait and switch from the time I met him as a squirrelly tiny little furry white creature to two weeks later when this chunky friend came home to us. He and my kid became fast friends, with a whole lot of shenanigans throughout the years. How many dogs do you know who will engage in a light saber battle with you? It's a good thing for a kid to have a furry friend throughout his childhood... Even after work with a trainer, we realized that the ...