Springtime Stitching

We have had a beautiful spring in our neck of the woods. Last summer, our drought conditions were the worst they've been in years. Water levels extremely low and vegetation struggling. Mother Nature took pity on us and sent so much snow this winter! We've enjoyed a wet and wonderful spring, and blossoms abound. This put me in the mindset for some springtime fabric colors. Since I just caught the hand-stitching hexie bug this past year, I started with some hexie flowers. They accumulated quickly, but then I lost my creative motivation with them. Stored away until a plan percolates. So I shifted gears to the kaleidoscope blocks. I am so fascinated by this quilt block. I recently made what I call the Psychedelic Koolaide kaleidoscope quilt for my husband.Note his crazy color choices, but I love the pattern so much. All straight lines and yet circles abound. I decided to try out some mini-kalei...